Professional Growing Media

Coir substrate is a natural and 100% organic grow substrate made up of coconut husk, which makes growing mushroom easier and simpler. Added to its versatility, Coco coir provides beneficial pointers to mushroom grow. The porous structure of coir material enables good exchange of air and water supply.
- 100% natural.
- The porous structure of coir material enables good exchange of air and water supply.
- It's far stretched water absorption will hold moisture for a longer time.
- The coir substrate is slightly acidic(pH 6-6.5) in nature that makes it more acceptable, same as normal plant demands.
- Coir is completely evasive of any microorganisms and does not support their growth either.
- It is inert to chemical reaction thus leaving a room for the nutrients to support the growth to its fullest extent.
- Rich in carbon, the fibrous coco coir offers extensive nurturing support.
- Coir is is originally an organic substrate that requires less care and more benefits.
- It is predominantly pre-washed and sterilized before use.
- 100% renewable resource, biodegradable and reusable.
- Coir substrate 10L bag for flowering
- Coir substrate 10L bag for vegetables
- Coir substrate 200L bale for germination
- 5Kg coir cocopeat washed block