Seedling Trays

Seedling Trays

Growing seeds in paper pots, modules or seedling trays allows you to control the environment in which they grow. Providing protection from the elements and garden pests while also controlling soil, moisture, fertility and heat. This is particularly important if you’d like to get a jump start on your growing season. Plant seeds indoors or in the comfort of a cold frame or greenhouse when it’s still cold outside and move them out to the garden when the weather warms — chances are they’ll be ready to flourish.

Seed propagation is the process of multiplying, reproducing or breeding new plants that are done through the use of seeds. Seeds can be grown and planted in different pots or starter plugs until they develop seedlings. To achieve quality plants, begin with a healthy quality seed. These four environmental factors which influence germination are water, oxygen, light, and temperature. ASB offers seedling trays made with high quality material having 50 holes each.
